Results 1 - 3 of 3

    1. Sleepy Hollow Chimney Sweep

    Sleepy Hollow Chimney Sweep provides Chimney & Fireplace Cleaning & Repairing Services in Barrington, New Hampshire. For an appointment to have your chimney worked on, contact (603) 664-5809. 
    Barrington, New Hampshire


    2. Fireside Sweeps LLC

    Fireside Sweeps, LLC, provides a wide range of services for our clients, from chimney sweeping, chimney inspections, wood and pellet stove installations, fireplace repairs, chimney re-linings, chimney repairs/rebuilds, to flashing repairs. 
    Fremont, New Hampshire

    3. The Seacoast Sweep

    Founded in 1980, The Seacoast Sweep specializes in the care and maintenance of venting systems. We also service and sell, for our customer’s convenience and safety, a wide variety of heating accessories, chimney caps, and fireplace implements. 
    Northwood, New Hampshire