Saturday, December 7, 2019, dawned cold, crisp and clear. A few hearty souls, lined up at 8 am, stomping their feet and blowing into their hands, were outside the Christmas Dove waiting for trees to arrive or ornaments to appear. As more people arrived, trees began to pop up, lights were strung, and ornaments placed in strategic locations. Themed trees and wreaths were the word of the day, puzzles, legos, patriots, homes, all donated by local organizations and businesses. The most popular, scratch tickets, gift certificates, and cash, all given to raise money for a good cause.
The cause, the Barrington Area Centennial Lions Club. This second annual event has grown, with over 35 entries this year. The event runs in 2 sections – from 8 to noon, tree and wreath setup; from 12 to 4 voting. By purchasing $10 worth, people receive 25 tickets, which they then use to “vote” on their favorite tree or wreath. There were 4ft and under trees, over 4ft trees, and wreaths. At the end of the event, a lucky winner was drawn for every tree or wreath, and two donor awards were given – Best Tree and Best Wreath. Shown below, the Lion’s Club President, Wanda Walker with the People’s Choice Best Tree Winner, Hadden Fine Carpentry and People’s Choice Best Wreath, Partners in Health. Both winners were LEGO-themed!
At 1 pm, the Granite State Choral Society performed Christmas carols decked out with beautiful matching red scarves and festive attire.
All in all, the Festival of Trees was a great, family-friendly event. There was a drive for supplies for homeless teens, baked goods for donation, hot chocolate, and coffee provided as well. This is from Kris Pavlik, part of the leadership from the local Lions group:
“Kat - We wanted you to know that we had a successful tree festival and want to thank our new Leo’s group for all of their help, and the Christmas Dove for allowing us to hold our festival there, to everyone who donated a wreath or tree, and who donated to our collection for items for homeless teens, and to everyone who came out to see our wreaths and trees, share some hot cocoa and many laughs! All of the funds raised will be used to fund our Charitable activities within the community. Thank you so much for all of your continued support! Coffee. Soon!”
One of the best things about Barrington is how giving our local community organizations and businesses are – and how family-friendly our town is. We at Barrington Town News looks forward to next year and the growth of these wonderful local events.