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Littleton Job And Resource Fair To Be Held October 17th

This article pertains to the New Hampshire Employment Security Littleton Job and Resource Fair.

The Littleton Job and Resource Fair sponsored by New Hampshire Employment Security is scheduled for Thursday, October 17th 2019 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at the New Hampshire Employment Security office located at 646 Union Street, Suite 100 Littleton, NH 03561. The Littleton Job and Resource Fair is a one-day opportunity for potential hires to highlight their resume and network with hiring managers looking for full and parttime positions. A full list of participating employers is available at by clicking on the green job fair link on the homepage. This networking and hiring event is free and open to all job seekers.

Employment Security’s local job and resource fairs are a great opportunity for Granite Staters across the state to explore the abundance of opportunities in our booming economy,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “I want to thank Employment Security for their on-going efforts to provide an opportunity to all Granite Staters and ensure direct access to potential employers.”

“Job creation is a top priority for New Hampshire Employment Security and with each Job and Resource Fair and with all of our reemployment programs provided at each of our twelve local offices located across the state, we are delivering on our promises to connect the unemployed with real opportunities, “said New Hampshire Employment Security Commissioner George Copadis.

Commissioner Copadis continued, “The Littleton Job and Resource Fair is a great opportunity for employers to gain access to a local ready and willing workforce. Hiring employees from the communities where the business is located strengthens your business and makes our communities stronger. We encourage employers to attend and hope anyone looking for employment will take advantage of this free networking event.”

If you are a job seeker who is unable to attend the Littleton Job & Resource Fair, you can access job and career services through New Hampshire Employment Security. Our One-Stop Centers provides resources free services, resources, and tools to assist both job seekers and employers with the entire job search process, hiring and employment needs. NHES has services available online and onsite to assist job seekers including an automated Job Match System, internet access, career assessments, as well as, workshops on job searching, resume writing and interviewing techniques and career counseling to people looking to find new employment.

For more information, please contact Kate LaPierre at or via telephone at 603-228-4083 or visit