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5 Places to Volunteer for the Holidays and More in Barrington

During the holiday season, we often feel the need to give back through volunteering to help others.  Sometimes with busy schedules, it is hard to find a worthy organization to attach ourselves to, or to find somewhere we think we will be able to make a difference.  Volunteering comes in all shapes and sizes, from sitting with an elderly patient in a nursing home and giving the gift of listening, to raising funds for a worthy cause, to crocheting baby booties and preemie hats for a hospital.  Using our gifts and talents, even if it’s just our hands and feet – manning a booth at a hearing screening, handing out flyers for an upcoming fundraising event, all of these things can take just a bit of our time and make a huge difference.  With the holidays fast approaching, we created a list of worthy places in the Barrington area that are looking for volunteers – not just for the holidays, but all throughout the year.  This is not a comprehensive listing of great places to volunteer but should spark the creative juices and give a great start towards giving back.

Barrington Food Pantry:  The Barrington Food Pantry has limited hours that it is open, and is always looking for food donations and long-term volunteers.  Regular Volunteer times are on Thursdays, between 6 and 7:30 pm.  The Food Pantry also takes stable food donations (i.e. canned and boxed foods with longer shelf lives) at the same time.  The pantry is located at 105 Ramsdell Lane in Barrington. If you have a food donation and cannot make it during the hours it is open, the fire department also accepts the food pantry donations.

Barrington Trails Committee:  Volunteering isn’t always about serving food – but it is about providing service for the community. The Trails Committee provides the opportunity to get out into nature and through that be nurtured. The group uses volunteers for creating and maintaining trails, clearing brush, keeping pathways clear, removing debris and making our beautiful town trails and forests easier for local people to enjoy throughout the year.  The Barrington Trails Committee is a subcommittee of the Barrington Conservation Commission. More information about volunteer times and events can be accessed by emailing using the subject line of “Volunteering for the Trails Committee”.

Pond View Acres:  Located at 923 Franklin Pierce Hwy. Barrington, NH 03825, this assisted living home provides care for 10 residents.  Volunteers for Pond View are greatly appreciated. They already have a weekly pet therapy time, but would love for people to sit and talk with the residents, lead some arts and crafts projects (like cookie decorating at the holidays or painting), assist with puzzles and play games with the residents.  Call (603) 664-9967 and ask for the Administrator to discuss volunteer opportunities at Pond View Acres.

Barrington Lions Club:   The Barrington Lions Club is a growing group that meets every 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Barrington American Legion 731 Franklin Pierce Highway Barrington, NH 03825. This structured service organization provides assistance in a variety of areas – vision screening, youth programs and camps and grants for humanitarian efforts throughout the world.  The Lions Club was founded in 1917 and has made a positive change in the world.  Come as a guest to the next meeting and ask for more information about this organization.  Our local Lion’s Club is hosting A Festival of Trees on December 7, 2019, which will be a great place to meet the other members of the community that participates in this club.

Barrington Chamber of Commerce:  For the business-minded volunteer joining the Chamber will provide a great network of connections, as well as the ability to participate in several giving back to the community events, like the Peeper 5k and the Annual Golf Tournament, which allows the Chamber to fund 3 scholarships to deserving students.  Both of these events and many other give-back opportunities use volunteers and sponsors to help fund scholarships, donate to non-profit organizations and give back in other ways.